's Vanessa is a flare with voluminous sleeves, cut outs at the shoulders and an line. Features copper lurex stripes around the hem. 70% cotton, 30% silk, fully lined.
$ 86.91
$ 66.85
's Vanessa is a flare with voluminous sleeves, cut outs at the shoulders and an line. Features copper lurex stripes around the hem. 70% cotton, 30% silk, fully lined.
$ 74.72
$ 57.48
$ 82.11
$ 63.16
$ 56.98
$ 29.87
$ 64.00
$ 34.00
$ 27.95
$ 62.23
$ 62.27
$ 47.90
$ 33.63
$ 20.84
$ 21.00
$ 19.95
$ 79.99
$ 41.98